Remember my funny conversations with the 6-8 years old about dolls hearts, meanwhile very diligently they were stitching and the dolls are becoming to life.
Last week I managed to shoot some during the class, it is not easy thing to do, there is always someone who needs my assistance, and I always in a hurry to help them all.
I'm glad I managed to catch these ones because I couldn't notice all the details at the short time I've had. In second look I love their dolls even more. Here you can see some of their first works -
cardboard dolls
finger puppets.
Besides seeing the lovely dolls I had another very nice surprise last week-
There is two boys who would never sit quietly, they have no patience to listen to my explanations, and always interrupt me while I am talking and explaining, I always have to find creative solutions so they would let me talk, sometimes I ask them to sit next to me and be my assistance, or to pantomime my explanation while I am talking.
When the other kids get to work I have to explain them in person what I have just taught all the others.
I did it patience-less at the beginning but dedicating this extra few seconds to each of them paid off, I noticed that they are understanding even better then the others.
I just figured out they have some concentration problem but have high level of technical and creative skills, it was really exciting to see their development from week to week, it was not only the development of their skills but also to see them enjoying the needlecraft I am teaching.
Last week the manager of this after-school program told me that both of them asked to take my class twice a week, I was so flattered just hopping it wouldn't be too difficult to get along with two of them together, till now one of them took my Monday class and the other the Wednesday class.

Wish you all lovely weekend.
1 comment:
that is so nice to hear and i just love their sock dolls
be well Neta*
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