Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Workshops

  There are four workshops planned for January:

The first one, which will take place on Friday, January 4, at 9:00am, is a Crochet Sculpting workshop, in which I am going to teach the unique techniques I have learned and developed over time to use crochet as a sculptural medium. I will teach the basics and principles, as well as the process I use in my own work. I will demonstrate how to use crochet in a freehanded and creative manner. As part of the workshop, each participant will crochet an original piece of their own design.

The second one is the  two-session traditional sock doll workshop, on Friday January 11 and on Friday January 18 In this workshop I teach the creating of my anthropomorphic sock dolls, including details like  facial features, expressions, garments and accessories. you can see the dolls I have created using this technique at the past few years here.

The third one is the embroidery portrait workshop which will take place on Friday, January 25, is an embroidery portrait workshop, which deals with the subject I am very curious about lately: the combination of personal images and embroidery. This workshop teaches the process of transforming photography into embroidery and discusses its meanings, and also presents contemporary artists who use this combination in their work.

*I will not be hosting the Open Studio during the next few months, but you are more than welcome to contact me for private lessons or other workshops for small groups.

*Contact me for any questions by e-mail or by phone (my details appear in the brochure),or subscribe to my mailing list, where I send updates about upcoming workshops.

*ימיי שישי הפתוחים, לא יתקיימו בחודשים הקרובים, אך ניתן ליצור איתי קשר לגבי שיעורים או סדנאות פרטיות.

.*צרו איתי קשר במייל או בטלפון שמופיע בברושורים להרשמה או כל שאלה, וכמו כן להרשמה לרשימת תפוצה בה אני מעדכנת לגבי סדנאות נוספות . 


Jean said...

love your sock dolls have done one of my own would you ever do an online one. Would be interested in facial features

Netamir said...

Maybe, but I don't know, it seems too complicated for me, I have to demonstrate things during the work process, so I have no idea how to make it online. Besides that I consider all the process of making things together as very important part of the all thing, and this is something I really don't know how to do online, well if I will find a solutions for all those problems, I would be glad to make an online workshop.