There were too many things on my mind, and things I was busy with during the last few weeks, so this blog was a bit neglected.
Now, finally, I have got the time and the focus to sit down and write. One of the projects I have been busy with for quite a while, and more intensely in the last week, is my new Fabric Doll-Making Workshop. In this workshop, I would like to teach the whole process of creating a doll from scratch, developing ideas, and drawing patterns.
It is something I was eager to teach for a long time. As part of the workshops I have conducted, I met many skilled crafters who have no idea how to develop their own ideas, and, for that reason, must follow instructions and readymade patterns.
I wanted to develop a workshop where I can offer such crafters the necessary tools, and teach them how to easily create dolls using their own ideas and patterns.
During the last four years that I have been creating using textile, doll accessories or other objects, I have learned and developed my very own techniques, methods, and workflows.
When I am making a doll, the techniques and methods I follow are a very important part of the creative process, where creating patterns is similar to sculpting and designing the character.
I feel I have had much practice in it, but thinking about how to teach this was very challenging; it was a long process, filled with indecisiveness. I had to consider very carefully the important things I would like to teach, and how I can demonstrate and explain everything.
During the last few weeks, after I already grasped the process, I have tried to create dolls following exactly the same steps I would teach in the workshop, and then I noticed many things that should be done differently, so I rewrote the process and gave it another try, and so on.
Well, after this long trial and error process, I finally feel that I know how to teach it, and glad am to tell you all about it.
If you happen to live in this part of the world, you can find details over here:

Here you can see some photos that demonstrate what I am going to teach:
This model will be the basis for the design and pattern making.
From the basic form, I will teach how to develop a character,
and sew muslin models.
At the end, I will try to teach the workshop participants how to give each doll a soul, and that is the most difficult part.
You are welcome to e-mail me if you would like to get further details or join my mailing list and receive updates about future workshops.
You are welcome to e-mail me if you would like to get further details or join my mailing list and receive updates about future workshops.
לפרטים נוספים, מידע בקשר לסדנת עיצוב ופיתוח גזרות לבובות , או הצטרפות לרשימת דיוור כדי לקבל מידע על סדנאות עתידיות אפשר ליצור איתי קשר במייל
I love the idea of the creatures showing how it is done - fantastic.
Thank you:)
Neta, I love your dolls. So fresh!
I really
really want to do your course.
Please please go see Einav above. She is a film maker.
Online course!!
people will pay!!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
It is funny, Einav and I were mailing each other a while ago, and we should talk as well. I didn't know she is a filmmaker.
About filming my workshop, I love the idea, but it seems so complicated for me at the moment. In my workshops I am not only demonstrating, I have to see what students are doing and then respond to that.
I have to look on online classes and find out how these things work.
Well I will add this to my- to do list, hope one day that would happen, it something I would love to do with someone more experienced then I do with those staff.
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