Without even noticing, time just run away and my blog left behind without any news for so long.
The last month was crazy here, you already saw some of it at the last post, but it was only a bit. I was sewing and sewing as if there is no economic crisis out there.
One week I caught an awful flu, it lasted all over the week and I could do nothing. I found out that sewing is the most complicated activity to do with fever.
After one week in bed there suddenly was a work for two weeks to do in only one. I was close for loosing my sanity, but finally this weekend I was sewing the last two projects in this wave.
Now, I can breath for a while and look forward for more orders to sew, soon hopefully.
Here are some works in progress:

Done and undone.


and after.
Wish you good night or good day and hope to see you back very soon.
Glad you're feeling better and back. I love the shoes. Are they people shoes or for dolls?
Hi Moragan,
Thanks for your comment, the shoes are for people.
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