The kids at the age of six and seven at elementary school where I teach , made those funny cute heads.

At the next class they are going to be scraps dolls like these ones made by me.

The one on the left is my favorite, but I love all of them and how they look like together. I am always amazed by their ability to put so much character in their creations.

When I first considered teaching last year I thought about adults. I didn't think I will have patience for children neither I didn't imagine myself get along with noisy cheeky kids (in other words typical Israeli kids) and make them doing something with their hands. I already described here some of my difficulties to deal with them at the workshops I taught last year at the school vacations, but most of the times (for my surprise) it was great fun for me.
So I was quite glad when I was offered to teach twice a week at school. It is big difference from my daily work of creating dolls and accessories, which sometimes can drive me completely crazy by the preciseness and concentration it requires. Beside that, most of the day I am alone at home, it was what I dreamed about, but when a dream comes true, the disadvantages of it pop up. The disadvantages of this dream is the claustrophobic feeling of working all the day alone at home, I want to go out, I want to meet other people, I have so many things to do today, maybe later, then it becomes maybe tomorrow and so on... I better stay at home finish all the stuff I was planning to do today.
When I dreamed about working at home I saw myself working few hours then wondering around, sleeping few hours at noon, cycling along the seashore, visiting friends.
I am so slow at my work so each time when I do some of the above I have guilty feelings.
Teaching is great excuse for having some break which is also being paid for.
And one more advantage of working with the young kids, it forces me to think how to simplified things, it’s completely different from my regular way of thinking.
what a wonderful opportunity! both to teach and to learn from them.
Thanks Meg,
it is a wonderful opportunity, I am really glad I have it and curious how it will go on during the year.
Great dolls.
Check the "Stripy string bugs" on this link - http://www.kidscraftweekly.com/stripes_issue.html
Thanks for compliment and link.
I love the bugs.
Lucky children to have you!!! and I too love to be home and dream of that someday as well but love working with the kids (special needs for em!!) and am in kindergarten this year!!! so need to work for the insurance but maybe one day I won't need to!! so have fun with them and then be home again!!! HUgs Linda
Thanks Linda, I am yet at home most of the time it's only few hours a week.
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