I received new order for a quantity of my slippers for an Australia designer shop. It’s the first time I have to multiply my slippers. It’s made me a bit nervous since this kind of order force me to work much more organized and efficient, not like I use to. I divided all the pieces to nylon bags in order to separate the different sizes.

I have three different colors, I began with the grey ones, I sew all of them together in a moving assembly line.

When one step is done I put the pieces back into the size nylon bag they were taken from.

Yesterday it was look like that, now only the white crochet thread is missing.

Oh and there is also new crochet dolls, that took my attention at the last two weeks, I will post about them soon and then the red slippers story, or the beige one....
you are simply amazing!!! lucky Austrailian company!!! they will love these!!! Hugs Linda
Way to go Neta!
Your slippers are on my wish list :).
I love the crochet doll t-shirt.
Thank you so much.
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