It was long days of crocheting, till I got the construction of the armchair. Some parts I had to re-crochet few times till I realized how I should do it. At first I crocheted all the parts, sew them together and stuff afterwards. It turned out as a big mistake. I had to crochet all the four legs twice, since only when I stuffed them I noticed that the crochet hook I used was too large and the stuffing came out of the stitches.
After re crocheting the legs, suddenly the arms turned out to be too small, so I had to re crochet them too.
It all was a bit exhausting, and yet there is much more work to do till someone could use this armchair.
The crochet doll wasn't really bothered by it, she decided to give it a try as it is.
Couple of friends popped in, they didn't even notice the new furniture but were very curios to see what she is busy with.
As time passed by, and conversation went on and on, covering much of the issues were discussed in the studio lately, she had to give up the comfy padding.
flippin fantastic!!
Thank you so much!
That is so beautyfull.It's so nice too see that your puppets are helping out now.
Keep up making all these beautifull things. I wait for your link on facebook everyday to see what is happening next.
Hugs An (Belgium)
Thank you so much An, it is always great to hear from you!
Hugs from Tel Aviv.
FairiesNest Thank you so much too.
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