I made a new cushion to send with my items that being purchased at my etsy or dawanda store.

There is a magnet on its back, so it can be useful as pin cushion, pin picker or just a refrigerator magnet if you are not at the needle crafts or sewing.
It was easy, quick and fun to make,
so I wrote a short tutorial, just in case you want to make one by yourself.

I used an ironing transfer paper, it is very important to remember transforming fonts to mirror writing before printing, otherwise you will get your transferred fonts in mirror writing, I always forget it by my self, I ruined so many transform papers at my life (today I didn't, lucky me).

I cut two pieces of white cotton at the same size as my business card+7mm sewing extras.

Ironing is without steams, round movements and waiting a while before peeling the paper off.

For sewing my serger machine was perfect, but you can use a blanket stitch as well.

After stuffing you have to sew the fourth side.

At last I attached the magnet, first I used a glue gun for that, it wasn't strong enough and I had to take all the magnets out and scrape off the glue from the cushions. My "jewelry glue" was much stronger. I bought it about two years ago at a craft store it's name is "hasulith" you can check it out here (the first one is what I have).

Et Walla! Here they are - my business card cushions magnets. I will send you one if you will ask nicely:)
Oh that is a clever, clever idea!
Thanks :)
the magnet is a really great idea. It has so many functions! I love it. Do I really just have to say, please I would like one? because I would.
Yes I would be glad to, we can also swap if you like.
mail me your address to- n_amir@netvision.net.il
that is a very clever idea
great tutorial. i am more curious about the beautiful iron you are using. is it a commercial iron or a household iron? it's beautiful and old fashioned looking.
Thanks beate.
Thanks takinanap, the iron looks much better in photo then in reality, it is regular household iron, very efficient, I look for it at the web maybe I should call it "Steam Generators" rather then steam iron, it is very common one, at least here, my mother bought it to me about two or three years ago when I just began to work from home, it was the cheaper we could found.
I will better post a photo of all of it so you can see by your own.
What a great idea! I found your blog today and have had a delightful time reading, I'll be back!
Hi, it is great to meet you, thanks for all the compliments, you are always welcome here.
That is so damned cool! Function and advertising! You are one smart cookie!
What would you like to trade for one?
I just found you blog, I love your business-pincushion-cards! very smart idea. :D
Could we swap? I would love to have one in my studio, as Í just ca't have enough pin cushions :)
Thank you very much, Princess of everything and Marion, I would be glad swap it for everything you would like, just mail me your adress!
Che idea stupenda! Bravaaaaa
Great idea, great idea!
*hopping up and down*
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