Long time no see.
There is new dolls being done and some news to tell,
Let's begin with this crochet doll which is not specified yet, I have some idea about who she is going to be and how she is going to look like, but it's not completely clear to me yet.
I don't use neither sketches, pattern or knitting instruction. It's a bit like a magic when the doll is done, I can suddenly see someone coming out of my needle, like imaginary friend who becomes visible.
Well, the word "suddenly" is a bit wrong in this context, it's long hours, sometimes days , and hurt back bones.

This one is a new heavy baby doll.
It's going to weight like a new born baby, as the dolls I made for the slings workshop.

I put marbles inside the doll's body to make it 3kilos weight.
The crochet dogs had great fun playing with the leftovers.
Besides that I began to teach children at elementary school sewing crafts and dolls making.
It's was great fun.
I was really frightened at the beginning thought it could be nightmare.
It was a great surprise for me to see how eager they are for sewing.
Their excitement catched me too.
When I was at elementary school I was excited when there was computer class, especially when we learned to use the 80s prehistoric graphic programs, so maybe for nowadays children the sewing crafts has same effect.
Well ,there is so much to tell about that, so I will write an entire post about this subject soon.
Sounds like a fun job!
Good luck.
your link is not working in this post
Hi Mary,
Thanks twice,
It is working now.
Oh and about the teaching it's fun.
I have another lessen on Thursday.
and I am already waiting to it.
Hope that it will be fun like last time.
I used to teach elementary school. Arts and crafts were always fun!
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