Monday, August 28, 2006


The crochet dancer, like the alien costume.

When the shooting ended

She tried it by herself

He received all of her stuff instead.

She felt bit stifling inside.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Crochet actor in an alien costume

The new member at the crochet bohemian group, is the actor.

His favorite character is the alien.

The costume was built on a ordinary jacket,
its a hood with two antennas, And crochet glasses too.

This is his favorite T-shirt.

Here he is behind the scenes.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The robotic cat pin.

The creature stomach is chip that I found at Gals old mouse, I already used the other parts at the dog and cat robotic suits,
This chip wait at my table for a while before I decided about his future.
Today I had the decision.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New robot pins

Few days ago while evaporating my self at the bus station when there is 70% humidity and more then 30C degrees. I was too exhausted to think about something, taking out my mp3 was almost too much to do, So I just opened the radio which was tuned to 106 fm already. I was very lucky hear the end of some special hour dedicate to amazing Juana molina. I was never hear about her before that. But when I arrived home I firstly open my soulseek who had long summer slipping. The day before that I began to create my robots stuffs. When I voiced it to Gal he said that she make a robotic music. Robotic relaxing music. This two guys were borned with her magical music all around.

If you want more details about them read here

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The mess desk

There is so much mess on it, this morning
it just reminded me that once I worked at a studio of some jewelry designer,
and I was always were criticized about the mess at my table by the other assistances who worked there,
This morning when I woke up I was satisfied to find all of that stuffs and mess and to know that there is no one who would tell me that it's impossible to work that way.

I began new series of robotic creatures.
I already posted the dog and the cat at there robotic suits.
As you can see they are always look for a new gadgets to improve their appearance and abilities

This is the girl at the background, I made this doll at my last year of the fashion design college (3 years ago),
It was an exercise of creating self portrait.
It was my first crochet dolls.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The robotic cat

I really enjoyed the making of the dog in a robot costume.
With all the beads and old computer stuffs that i thouth the new cat will have his own robot cotume too.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dog in a robot costume

The new crochet dog used to be cute little pink dog till it was too boring. He thought maybe he should try something else. He didn’t knew what. he thought about a cat or another dog type, but he wanted something Special.

something that the other crochet dogs wouldn’t thought about yet.
Finally he decided that robot will be the most funniest.

It was lots of work to design this costume by different old computers parts and buttons.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The smiling crochet dog

I am trying to get out my black and white color diet.
I haven’t give it up yet, but I am doing my best.
while I was crocheting this one, I noticed that he I replaced the black and white to the browns, and the dog received sad expression, so I work hard to cheer him up, and I had to choose some color that will give him an happier expression.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dancing class

The dogs decided to improve there dancing skills this morning.
The crochet dancer was glad to know that she can help.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

confidence dog

The little cloth dog had a brilliant idea

He thought that the new dressed dog should take his jacket off.

The black dog came to help.

Together it was easier .

It was hot summer outside so they decided they should take the jacket in
to the closet.

The dressed dog preferred that the jacket will sty close to him.

He feel much confidence when he was inside his jacket.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The crochet photographer

The new member at the crochet bohemian company is the photographer.

He couldn't sit quietly

He packed himself to get out and bring the world his vision.

He tried this point of view

This one.

And took photos from this direction too.

When he took one look surrounding without his camera on,
Everything seems to be different.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The cat bag & freinds

The crochet lady in the black dress invite the red hair crochet doll (who become her best friend lately). to spend at the cat bag
he thought it comfortable and quite there.
At the same time the black cat wanted to know his new friend from the bag better.

When he sound dogs noises getting closer he jump into the bag and feel protected between the dolls.
The dog just kissed the new cat and leave withou saying something.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The cat bag

I finished this cat bag yesterday,

The cat is trying to go out from his place between the bag and it's lining.

His tail is a been caught a bit with the bag band knot,

I though it make the bag more interesting so I just sew them together.