Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some new creatures

  While the lady was undergoing work, some new friends arrived at the studio.
  Two finger-knitted dolls, for a new workshop I am going to conduct.
They chose to spend the afternoon in a rather interesting location yesterday.

Although these two have been living here for a while, they haven't been introduced yet. So here they are – both of them are the result of one old and ruined Teletubby softie, and were created for a toy repair workshop I conducted two months ago. The idea behind the workshop was to use the repair as an excuse for creating something new and original out of old items.
The creation of these items is one of the most fun things I have ever done for a living.
During the last few months, while I was busy with the lady, the creation of those items was like a relief: to make something simple, creative and innovative for the workshop, which is fun as well.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The lady

The process of creating this lady is becoming even slower and is leading me to diverse paths that I didn't even imagine at the beginning.
Sometimes I feel like the process is close to its end, and then I find out that there is much more work to be done; sometimes it make me feel frustrated, as if this project would never end.