Friday, November 23, 2007

Cats on the roof

While sitting inside, finishing all the slippers commissions for this week, I noticed this cat. When it began to rain he just relocated himself next to the other cat, close to the edge of the roof, maybe the pine tree protected them, from the rain, they didn't seemed to be bothered at all, while I turned on the heater.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Scratched fabric and my mother's 60th birthday

I found this fabric at a pile of many old fabrics in an old woman’s stand at the flea market, it caught my eyes immediately, not only by it’s beautiful design, but also by it’s scratched pattern. I assume it was considered as damaged fabric and this is why it found its way to the old lady's stand, For me it’s make the design look better and the fabric worthier. The scratched areas will appear a bit differently in each bag, so each of them will be definitely one of its kind.
The fabric was waiting for long at my fabrics piles, till last weekend, when we celebrated my mother's 60th birthday.
I promised her the first bag from this fabric a month or so before, though I will have plenty of time to sew it. As usual, two days before I even didn't had any pattern done. The result was very short sleeping at the night before.
If I only had few further hours to sleep, I probably wouldn't have forgetting my camera at home that day, and would share some photos of my family too.

Just before blogging, I found the bag featuring at the Dawanda front page.
(If you are there too, I would be thankful for being pinned, I am promise to pin you back).
The bag is listed at both my etsy store and my Dawanda store.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In my slippers

The winter is here, I know that, at the last three weeks I am sewing slippers most of the time, I guess it's a sign. Here in Tel Aviv, it's the second day of real winter, I used my umbrella for the first time today! now it is obvious, you cannot argue against that.
The mini couple was quite satisfied by the cozy and roomy space of the grey slippers.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Just a new pair of my Mary Jane's shoes in ultramarine.
I love to sew in vivid colors like this, although it's exactly the same shoes they look different.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Creature for hugging

The dwarfs from last post were probably too busy at the last few days, and I
had to do everything by myself, what means that many of the things I planed to do will have to wait till next week.
I hope they will find some spare time for me and for my dolls, there is yet many tasks at my list.
Today I finished this creature.
The story of creating him began with an evening walk around the neighborhood after long day of hand stitching. Outside of a sewing workshop I found a sack full of fabric scarps waiting to the garbage truck, I immediately decided to adopt it, with no idea what I am going to use it for and despite the luck of space in my studio. Few days after many of the scraps were already cut into ribbons and became a cloth yarn. I began to crochet it and this creature came out.
His nose is made by mohair wool, his eyes are huge marbles covered with socks (so does his nose) and hand painted.
He is now listed at my etsy store .

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Some wishes

This is how my floor looked like few days ago.

On the armchair at the same morning

Yesterday was perfect day to slippers sewing,

This morning it was finally raining here for the first time this winter (it is always exciting).
Inside on the floor this one was waiting for me.
He looks a bit weird I know, I am crocheting him by fabric bands or fabric yarns, that I cut from tons of fabrics leftovers I found one evening thrown outside of a sewing workshop in my neighborhood.
This is how my week looks like, I am so tired just want to go to bed. I wish the dwarfs will prepare me surprise for tomorrow morning.
I wish they will pack all the slippers, put the addresses on, will sew something hot and nice for the dog (Winter is coming, he cannot keep on wandering around naked all the day), it would be nice if they would keep on crocheting the weird creature and bake something tasty for breakfast.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Naming Ceremony

Yesterday I took some of my dolls to show to three girls at the ages of Ten and thirteen, that I teach every Sunday afternoon.
These three are the sweetest commentators on my dolls ever (please don't offend I love yours comments too).
They were so curious about the dolls and their making of.
Firstly they were fascinated to reveal all the tiny details I put in each doll, and didn't stop telling to each other: "oh did you noticed this or that...", "oh didn't you saw her earring and her tattoos".
I was so thrilled!
When I tried to put the dolls back into the basket they immediately asked me to take them out again.
It was as if a bunch of people came into the studio and now they wouldn’t go out before the girls (and me too) will know everything about them, their life and all of their biographic details. It was just the way I wished someone will look at my dolls.
It was different from the way adults respond, It was much about the dolls personalities, not only about the way they look like or how I managed to create them.
It seemed that each detail is really important and meaningful. Many times while making I am wondering whether I should add something and whether it is really important to represent a specific character. Yesterday it was as if the girls read my mind and actually answered all the questions I had in my mind.
They also named some of the dolls :
The crochet lady at the center named as Valeria (could also be Valerie). She was abounded at the age of nine in an orphanage, all of this took place in England.
The Blond girl on her left named as Nancy, they said that she look a bit evil, and I suggested Nancy, with Nancy from "Little House on the Prairie" on my mind (they knew what I am talking about though Little House on the Prairie was not on TV since my childhood!). Her dog named pistachio but I don't remember the explanation.
The girl with the red hair and red dog named Nelly, there was no explanation, they decided it immediately, because she looked like Nelly. Her dog named Pipke after the dog at "Pünktchen und Anton" by Erich Kastner.

The lady in black and her boyfriend weren't named yet, Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 01, 2007


New socks couple is done.
It's a great relief, this couple was ordered in advanced, when the last socks couple I made, was sold shortly after I listed him.
It was so difficult to make these dolls, trying to create them similar to the first couple.
Besides that I often feel that I am too detailing them, it is always drive me crazy, till some doll is done. In my imagination it’s shouldn’t take more than a few days, but the process is always much longer.
After all, here they are I assume that although the similarity, they have completely different character, and I love them that way.