Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three Workshops

This coming month, I am going to conduct three workshops at my home studio.
The first one (on Thursday evening, May 12) is the Sock Animal and Creature Workshop. This will be the fourth time that I will have conducted this workshop. The other three were quite fun and the results were so creative and innovative, that I am really looking forward to seeing how it will go this time around. :-)

The second workshop (which will take place on Friday morning, May 20) is a new one, the Bird Workshop, which is based on the series of birds I have created during the last few years. In this workshop I wish to teach the combination of techniques and materials that I use as well as the thinking and creative processes I follow while creating my own work.
The third workshop (on Thursday evening, May 26) is my Wrapping Technique Workshop, where I will teach the principles of wrapping fabric scraps on top of each other in order to create unique and original shapes which would then metamorphose into creative and imaginative characters.
This technique combines sculpting and sewing techniques, which each participant can use in order to come up with his or her very own unique design.

The three workshops will all take place at my home studio, which is located in South Tel Aviv. You are more than welcome to e-mail or phone me for details if you happen to be in the area.
If you wish to receive updates about my workshops by e-mail, just tell me and I will add you to my mailing list.

בחודש הקרוב יתקיימו שלוש סדנאות בסטודיו הביתי שלי בדרום ת"א. לפרטים והרשמה אפשר לפנות אליי במייל או בטלפון.
כמו כן, אני אשמח לצרף חברים חדשים לרשימת התפוצה שלי, שבאמצעותה אני שולחת עדכונים לגבי סדנאות קרובות.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Operating Table

After two painful weeks on the operating table, she could finally get up, but there is still much to be done in the following few weeks.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Here she is again

It has been a long time since my last update.
The lady is still being crocheted, and the changes are slowly becoming recognizable.